Yoga Flow Level 2 – Listen to Body & Breath Yoga Practice Breathe deeply and move your body and mind to unlock the power of your heart to guide you in these challenging times. 5 Deep Breaths with Arm Movements 5 Standing Crescent Side Bend 5 Legs Together...
The last few years of turmoil in the world unearthed deep trauma and anxiety that demanded my attention. I stepped even deeper into physical, mental, emotion and spiritual healing especially of my brain and nervous system. Anxiety is a feeling that I still work with...
Six everyday activities that will support you to minimize stress and boost immune function. If you don’t already know me, I had extreme allergies, asthma, skin conditions, an extremely compromised immune system growing up. Luckily, my health is doing better than...
How to Create Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle Changes Let’s start with the three main mistakes to avoid so you can set yourself up for success so you can create sustainable lifestyle change and get back on the path if you fallen off track. Mistake Number One:...
3 Practices to Reduce Stress with Deep Breathing Learn to process stress while it’s happening instead of waiting for your body-mind to break down. Practice #1 Breathing practice to *increase energy and attention* you can do this first thing in the morning. 1. Inhale...
Enjoy this Guided Meditation for Self Love! A Healing Journey to support you to see, feel, know and embody the belief “I AM LOVABLE” Guided Meditation for Self Love – I am Lovable Our energy and power gets locked up in limiting beliefs, this...