Yoga Flow Level 2 – Listen to Body & Breath Yoga Practice

Breathe deeply and move your body and mind to unlock the power of your heart to guide you in these challenging times.

5 Deep Breaths with Arm Movements
5 Standing Crescent Side Bend
5 Legs Together Squat Prayer Twist
5 Wide Legs Cat Cow stretch
5 Wide Leg 1/2 Forward Bend Twist

5 Hands and knees arch to half child pose
5 Tiger stretch – opposite arm and leg lift
5 hands and knees to bent knee dog pose
5 dog pose to plank flow
5 dog pose to plank one leg lunge

5 cycles stand & forward bend & hand walk to plank & reverse
5 Dog pose to plank pose
5 cycles cobra to child’s pose
5 cycles of pigeon forward bend to upright pigeon
5 low lunge with breath and arm movements

3 times Mountain Pose > Chair Pose Flow
3 times Standing Forward Bend to Bent Knee Forward Bend
3 Breaths High Lunge with Arm Movements
3 Breaths Twisting High Lunge
3 Cycles Down Dog > Plank > Chaturanga > Cobra
Child Pose

Follow your body & breath and modify poses as needed. Yoga Flow – listen to body and breath.

Please feel free to share this video and ask any questions in the comments below.

ps: I created a new program designed for heart-centered women to rise from the ashes with a strong and flexible body, open heart, and clear mind during this global crisis and epic life reset. If you are ready to Embody Power, Pleasure & Purpose there are a few spots left at the introductory price: Soul Body Fit: Reduce Stress, Build Strength & Awaken Spiritual Resilience